Pictures of the money that foresters make

pictures of the money that foresters make

In the United States, forest rangers protect and preserve national and state parks. The National Park Service NPSan agency of the United States Department of the Interior, hires forest rangers to maintain hiking trails, observe wildlife, and promote environmentally friendly activities. States employ forest rangers to combat pollution, fight forest fires, and ensure hikers and campers respect public land. Forest rangers are required to obtain an undergraduate or graduate degree that prepares them to manage natural resources. Common majors include, but are not limited to, natural sciences, history, archeology, and business administration. State and national park services search for applicants with relevant experience, especially those who have worked with wildlife, natural resources, and in law enforcement. Military veterans, police officers, and fire fighters are particularly coveted, and are frequently hired as forest rangers. Forest rangers are trained to protect trails, streams, plants, and wildlife. Every park is different, and rangers must learn how to navigate an array of different landscapes. Forest rangers are taught to observe wildlife, and track their habits. They are required to enforce park rules and regulations, and make sure visitors do not pollute, litter, or damage park property.

Salary and Qualifications

A forester is a person who practices forestry , the science, art, and profession of managing forests. Foresters engage in a broad range of activities including ecological restoration and management of protected areas. Foresters manage forests to provide a variety of objectives including direct extraction of raw material , outdoor recreation , conservation, hunting and aesthetics. Emerging management practices include managing forestlands for biodiversity , carbon sequestration and air quality. Many people confuse the role of the forester with that of the logger , but most foresters are concerned not only with the harvest of timber, but also with the sustainable management of forests to in the words of Gifford Pinchot «provide the greatest good for the greatest number in the long term». Westoby, remarked that «forestry is concerned not with trees, but with how trees can serve people». Those with master’s degrees are able to command salaries closer to the average. The Council for Higher Education Accreditation considers the Society of American Foresters as the principal accreditor for academic degree programs in professional forestry, both at a Bachelor’s and Master’s level. Usually a bachelor’s degree is considered the minimum education required, but some individuals are able to secure a job without a college education based on their experience. Some states have a licensing requirement for foresters, and most of those require at least a four-year degree.

pictures of the money that foresters make

Tree Planter?

Manage public and private forested lands for economic, recreational, and conservation purposes. May inventory the type, amount, and location of standing timber, appraise the timber’s worth, negotiate the purchase, and draw up contracts for procurement. May determine how to conserve wildlife habitats, creek beds, water quality, and soil stability, and how best to comply with environmental regulations. May devise plans for planting and growing new trees, monitor trees for healthy growth, and determine optimal harvesting schedules. Find occupations related to multiple tasks. Hot Technology — a technology requirement frequently included in employer job postings. Find occupations related to multiple detailed work activities. Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics wage data and employment projections. Links to non-DOL Internet sites are provided for your convenience and do not constitute an endorsement.

Salary by Industry

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