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Spending day after day staring at a computer screen can take its toll. You might feel the rest of your life is passing you by or simply experience burnout. Even in a shaky economy, you can often reinvent your career to afford time for both work and play. You might earn less, but you can often make the transition by cutting living expenses or searching for jobs that pay a higher hourly wage. In addition, some organizations offer benefits such as health insurance for part-time employees, giving you some of the security associated with a full-time job without as many demands on your time. Sometimes, a short break is all you need to return to the workplace refreshed and with renewed commitment to your career. Many major organizations offer both paid and unpaid sabbaticals, so your boss might understand if you want to step away briefly. Describe to the company how you plan to use this time and why a break will make you a better employee. Make a plan for your sabbatical, ideally devoting your time to pursuing personal interests or projects. Add variety and flexibility to your work schedule by opting for temp jobs instead of a single full-time position. With this strategy, you can vary your hours based on your needs. If you want to spend more time with your kids or want to take a class, for example, you can scale back your workload. When you have extra expenses, on the other hand, you can request more assignments. Search for ways to support yourself without spending your entire day at the office. Ask your boss if you can work from home a few hours or days a week. Or, launch your own freelance business where you can set your own schedule. Evaluate the skills you use every day at your full-time job and then brainstorm how you can sell these same talents yourself to multiple clients. If you have strong written communication skills, consider working as a freelance writer. Skip to main content.
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Oh my goodness! I’m sorry but I have to say that you really can’t get a good score with that essay! All parts of it is too short! You should make a board statement or an quote or an anecedote or any thing interesting to grab woring reader’s attention. Then you need to narrow down your topic, that is, relate what you’ve off in the first sentence with the assignment. THe third sentence will liftle your thesis statement, in which you give your opinion and three main reasons.
FOr body paragraphs what you need is supporting details, that is, examples rather than reasoning. While in the conclusion part, you first need to restate your thesis, or put paraphrase it, jib my English teacher puts it. THen you need to relate your conclusion to your introduction, relate to the very first sentence, which is called the «Hook» by worjing way. I agree with the statement that working at a job that you enjoy is more important than earning money because of two main reasons.
First, when you work at a job that is pleasant for you, you are eager to work better and you will not feel tired at all. I find you have a good idea about tired essay structure for this task. However, as Pahan suggests, I too feel your introduction needs improvement. It’s better you introduce the argument first and then tell the reader about your position. First, when you work at a job that is pleasant for you, you are eager to work better and you will not feel tired at all.
This eagerness to the work helps you to tjted more; also, your boss likes employees who are good at work and sometimes increases omney employees’ salary. In addition there is a chance to receive some awards when you work. Thank you my friends for your opinions. I added support for the reason I gave in second paragraph; also, I wrote an introduction to the essay. How is this one? Have you an idea about conclusion? In conclusion, the most important aspect that have influence on job satisfaction is being at a job that you like and it is less dependent to the salary you receive.
Many people work at a job that tited of working at job making little money high, regardless of what they feel about their job. I agree with the statement that majing at doing a job that you one can enjoy is more important than earning money because of two main reasons. Dear dumi, thanks for reply : Dear friends, whats your opinion about the conclusion?
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This is a mkney for people who are or who want to become Financially Independent FIwhich means not having to work for money. This subreddit deals primarily with Financial Independence, but additionally with some «RE» concepts. Simplifying and redesigning your lifestyle to reduce spending. Your wants and needs aren’t written in stone, and less spending is powerful at tietd income level. Working to increase your income and income streams with projects, side-gigs, and additional monwy. Becoming financially litgle requires hard work and a healthy attitude towards money, but also a degree of privilege. When participating on this subreddit, please be mindful of litttle ways in which you are lucky. Archive of previous Daily Discussion threads. Most recent FIRE survey results. Money Mustache, Wade Pfau. I’m in my 40’s. I’ve worked remotely from home for most of that time. I read MMM blog every day to remind myself of my goal, and every day it gets more tempting. I think I’ve come to the natural end of my interest and enthusiasm of working in my field. But to walk away from an easy job making so much money seems wrong, and to boot it is an easy work from home job. I know I’m burned out, and need some time ov, like maybe a year or so. I just can’t pull the trigger to quit, not just. Not sure what to do I feel a little bit stuck. If you’re confident that you can find another position, why not take a month sabbatical? Or see if your current employer will offer you one? Yes, I think taking time off will be a really good cure for me.
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