Who makes more money artist or athletes

who makes more money artist or athletes

New here? Join now to get started. You’ll need to become a member before you can post. Who makes more money? Page 1 of 2 1 2 Next Last Jump to page:. Are you accounting for the extras that athletes get from their sponsors? Lol, Mainstream music artists pushed by recording companies possibly. The majority? I’m going to athletex with Actors. Beckham Schumacher. Who makes the most money these days? They fall into two categories, 1 those with no actual talent, and 2 those who can suck money from the masses. If you wanna make some real paper bro, do this; — get a sex change — have a good voice — be ultra l33t at sports — be a good actress — have nice fake b00bies that almost look real profit. Nuff said. A witness also said they saw a suitcase of cocaine be delivered, epic.

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Tiger Woods, along with many other professional athletes, certainly think so. But do these athletes really deserve all that money? In my mind, absolutely not. Teaching is one of the most economically important occupations because our future economy relies on the education of its youth, yet teachers are paid astronomically less than the average professional athlete is. While President Obama is hard at work reviving the economy, the unproven rookie in the MLB is earning way over that figure. Furthermore, police officers, firefighters, and doctors save lives while risking their own for a fraction of what sports stars make. People in the military leave their families at home to defend and protect the country knowing they may never return. It’s truly a pity that none of these true heroes are given the same recognition by society as athletes such as Brett Favre or Michael Jordan are given. Moreover, in my mind, if these athletes want to continue to be rewarded with the fame and fortune that is unfairly bestowed upon them, they must prove to the world that they are going to be positive role models for future athletes, and those who admire them. These infamous players must grow up, and prove to America that they can be positive role models for kids on and off the field. They may get leeway when it comes to their salaries, but the law should be overpowered by any amount of talent. In order for these players to gain respect, they need to have a more significant impact on the community. Finally, what really puzzles me, is how athletes get upset when athletes say that millions of dollars won’t be able to support him and his family, and that they need more. What puzzles me even more, is how after holding out for weeks, and sometimes months, the owners give in and pay them what they don’t deserve. Think about Jamarcus Russel, the former No. In any other job, if you don’t perform to your expectations, you’re fired. There is no guaranteed money. The whole system that allows professional athletes to just swim around in money is simply ridiculous, and it needs to stop. When asking people whether they think athletes are paid way too much money, most agree with me.

Top overall individual earners among Athletes and Musicians

A consequence of the ongoing financial crisis has been a virtual standstill in the average wages earned by American workers. Some of the lowest paid workers, including employees of retail giant Wal-Mart and fast-food gargantuan McDonalds are the most recent high-profile recipients of across-the-board pay hikes. Nonetheless, the income inequality gap is huge — and growing. Some of the obvious beneficiaries, such as CEOs of major corporations, draw compensation that drives much of the wage gap. But other high-paid individuals, including Hollywood stars, athletes and crime lords also make more than any American can dream of. On the other hand, many national government leaders draw surprisingly modest salaries. Compare rates from multiple vetted lenders. Discover your lowest eligible rate. Hollywood stars draw amazing salaries, although ponder this: male stars greatly out-earn their female counterparts. Nonetheless, even while they earn far less than male stars, female A-listers are still doing pretty well. For instance, Dwayne Johnson, perhaps better known as wrestling superstar The Rock, has built a solid action film career, earning an estimated 52 million dollars between June and June , commanding an average 15 million per picture. But the Oscar-winning actress also got a big raise for her most recent films. Superstar athletes draw huge salaries ranging well into seven and even eight figures. But those figures tell only part of the story. For instance, quarterback Peyton Manning earns a reported 15 million dollars from the Denver Broncos. Manning took a 4 million dollar pay cut for his team in , meaning he made 19 million in But since football players only play once every week, his weekly salary translates to an eye-popping , dollars. Baseball star Alex Rodriguez is paid right there with Bryant; 25 million dollars. But baseball players play even more games each season than basketball players — which translates to a per-game average paycheck of only , dollars for Alex Rodriguez. The average salary for Chief Executive Officers ranges comfortably into six figures, with many CEOs earning millions in bonuses and share holdings. And while the compensation of big names such as Larry Ellison of Oracle more than 78 million in and Marissa Mayer of Yahoo! For instance, the very top earning CEO in was someone named Charif Souki of Cheniere Energy, whose compensation totaled an amazing ,, dollars. And while many CEOs log more working hours than the standard hour work week, they are well compensated for their time and efforts. The average CEO earned more than times the salary of everyday workers in Hollywood often glamorizes drug lords, portraying them as decked in furs, dripping with bling and surrounded by fast rides and even faster women willing to grant their every desire of the flesh. At one point Walt is offered 3 million dollars for cooking the equivalent of 3 months worth of meth. Not so much. And just like in the movies, many drug dealers splurge on luxuries ranging from fine wines to fast cars. The raid also yielded 11 Mexican gold bullion coins, jewelry, luxury cars, and of course, a stash of high powered weapons. With his country sinking into recession in response to intense pressure from international sanctions, Russian Federation president Vladimir Putin cut his own salary by 10 percent, according to CNN Money. His remaining salary is 8. The raise increased her annual salary to , Euros, or the equivalent of , US Dollars. But even after a 60 percent boost, his annual salary is still shockingly low — the equivalent of only 22, US dollars annually, according to CNN Money.

who makes more money artist or athletes

20. Mark Wahlberg

Me, I play one-hundred and ninety games, and I’m overpaid! In my lifetime, I have seen strikes and lockouts from just about every major sport, and they all argue over the same basic thing: money. With players and coaches asking for more perks and pay, it makes you wonder if they are already making more money than they are worth. It also begs the question of how you measure a player’s value in dollars and cents. In this article, I will explore both sides of the argument. Whether or not athletes are overpaid is not for me to decide; this is simply to see what all of you think. Once you have come up with your opinion on the matter, please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below. In a time when many Americans are struggling to make mortgage payments, student loan payments and find good employment, it sometimes becomes frustrating to hear about someone who makes millions playing a game demand more money and then get it. If you look at it subjectively, it is hard to deny something that I think a lot of people will think: Most athletes are overpaid. Let me run down some statistics for you to back up the argument before going any further. I will use Chicago-based teams as an example, since I am from Illinois. These numbers do not include endorsement deals or any bonuses. These numbers certainly make me realize a few things. Different sports pay very differently, athletes are separated in salary by very large margins and many athletes are overpaid. These numbers may vary depending on the specific area of expertise. Do you think it’s fair? Think about how much you took home last month. Now, think about how much your bills cost you. Now, think about how much money you had left over to buy a ticket to a game or something else that you didn’t really need, but wanted. It doesn’t really seem right that the thing my three-year-old nephew does for fun makes someone millions of dollars every year. Athletes were not always paid more than CEOs. In the early stages of the American Football system, most players had to have a normal day job on top of playing, because there was no money to be made in pro football.

Who makes more money? Athletes/Music Artist/Actors

A huge amount people have animosity towards the fact that professional athletes make so much money annually. Besides, professional athletes are relatively scarcer compared to teachers, scientists and people in other professions.

In conclusion, professional athletes deserve what they earn because they spur the economy with huge interest; they are scarce and they care about the society as much as others. I know that this is a TOEFL essay, so the quality of the arguments isn’t too important, but you might have explored the notion that athletes, like movie stars, make so much money not moneh they produce anything makea great value, but because they produce something of very small value that they sell to millions of people.

As a Toefl writing essay this is. But I think makws should draw your conclusion better than just they are scarce and they care about the society as much as others.

Just remember, that once you start athletess the TOEFL essay in the actual exam, you will have more than enough time unless you’re a slow writer. I know because I did it last year :. Thanks for the comment! I tried to organize my idea more clearly and mkes up with this version. Is this better? Athletew reasons I give to this topic sounds a lot better in my head I have trouble thinking in English. And when I try to makees the Chinese in my head the ideas I try to express are in Chinglish.

I then tend to make a lot grammar mistakes. I don’t know how to improve makea. A professional athlete can make several million dollars annually. Many people think that they are paid too much in that they create little arhist in the work.

Mroe, salary is not measured by the intrinsic value of a profession. A far as I’m concerned, professional athletes deserve what they earn. Firstly, professional athletes make huge income to the sports industry and the whole society because they sell things to millions of people. The enormous demand makes the sports industry very unique. Nowadays, professional athletes have become an integral part of the economy.

Millions of people want to see exciting sports and buy the memorabilia. A stadium can bring billions of dollars interest by selling tickets and endorsed sports gear like a star’s jersey and signed sneakers. According to statistics, back in s Michael Jordan alone brought more than 10 billion income to the economy.

And he certainly deserves several millions of the money. So professional athletes do generate much more income in the economy relative to what they make. Besides, professional athletes eho relatively scarce compared to the huge demand. Most of the people can make a good teacher when you put your mind into it.

But rarely can one make a great athlete that the whole world would like to pay to see his performance. To be a professional athletes not only require hard work but talent and excellent physical conditions as. Such as a person with average monney can seldom become a good basketball play in the NBA. Thus professional athletes make great amount of money in that millions of people want to pay for their scarcity. Admittedly, the entertainment that professional athletes provide us cannot compare to makws scientific discoveries, good education, defense of the country in intrinsic value.

Many people think money should be used in serious business kr example to put into public health. However, the more you earn the more you tend to spend. The money that professional athletes make comes back to the economy in that they spend hundreds of thousands of money on luxuries.

They contribute to a major part of the tax revenue. The money they make is indirectly used in many other aspects of who makes more money artist or athletes society. Thus professional athletes contribute to the development of the country. In conclusion, not only do professional athletes provide us with exciting sports game but they spur the economy as. They deserve what they earn. Yeah, I know I didn’t finish this one within 30 minutes I’m just practicing now and I hope I can get my ideas clear.

However, I’ll try to come up with some short essays who makes more money artist or athletes the test.

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