Quick courses to make money

quick courses to make money

I read books, attended conferences, and took online courses. There is absolutely no excuse for you NOT to be making money from home this year! With advances in technology, more jobs can quick courses to make money done from home, and startup costs for launching your own business are little to. Best of all, there are affordable courses in a variety of niches that can get you up and running in as little as two weeks! Since that time, her blogging business has seen massive success. Did I mention that she earns seven-figures a year?! How does she do it? The majority of Michelle’s income is made through affiliate marketing, and in her course, Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing, she shares all of her affiliate marketing secrets. I’ve had the chance to look over this course, and it’s an excellent foundation for beginners. The course includes six modules with over 30 lessons, plus worksheets, bonuses, and a private Facebook Group, which is very active.

10 Steps to Creating and Selling an Online Course

You got your degree. You got a job. And you’re pretty good at that job. But lately you’ve been watching kids just out of college command salaries that are edging too close for comfort. The world — especially the technical one — is changing fast. Finding people with the skills to manage large sets of data, program in the latest language, or speak to the latest influx of non-English-speaking staffers is hard, and companies pay more for employees who can do it all. Fortunately, going back to school to get the skills you need to become one of those rare creatures is not hard. Log on from your phone and watch a lecture. Take a test on your commute. Most of this online learning is free or available for a low monthly fee, and it can really pay off. It’s popular with just about everyone who builds software that handles large amounts of data. And, no matter what your job is, according to Payscale and Money magazine , knowing how to use SCALA could boost your salary by about 20 percent. SAS is a statistical analysis software. And, according to Payscale , knowing how, why, and when to use it could get you a significant pay bump. You might think you need to work in finance for this to matter. Apparently, that’s not so. Even people working in marketing and other fields were more valued, and earning more, after they got nerdy and learned to analyze some data. According to jobs site The Ladders , understanding project management is a fast track to earning 20 percent more money than the average employee. It’s not easy, though, as you know if you have ever tried to herd kittens. Passing the test that gets you the official certificate is a challenge you’ll want to study up for. At EdX. At Coursera, you can get the official Project Manager Certificate after taking a 6-month specialization class, or just find out what it’s all about with the introductory class. A few years ago, the data science field didn’t really exist.

quick courses to make money

Industry Certification Programs That Pay Well

Online education is a burgeoning market, but with all the competition, finding your way toward earning a profit off an online course can be difficult. Well, we believe it is. To get you started, here are 7 proven ways to make money selling courses online. A one-off fee at the beginning of a course is usually the easiest for learners to understand—and the easiest to implement. It also fits in better with the model most of us have for paying for education. Up-front fees also make it easier to sell more courses later on.

An up-front fee makes it easier set expectations about what users are paying. But this can work to your advantage for several reasons:. Given those benefits, charging for certification only could be the easiest way to sell your course online.

This applies to online learning as. Learners hesitate to sign up for a subscription service if they think of their course as a once-and-done program.

But creating an ongoing learning program that will keep your learners coming back indefinitely takes a lot more commitment from both you and your learners.

Similarly, you can offer free or reduced-rate introductory courses, and then start charging more once your learners get into advanced material.

In fact, whole sectors of the Internet are built on pre-selling products see: Kickstarter and Indiegogo. In fact, not so long ago I dropped a healthy chunk of change myself, funding the development of an online learning app.

If you have an audience, go ahead and poll them about what course would be most useful to. Then set up a fundraising campaign. Maybe you have a side business selling a line of products. Create a course about how to use. Better yet, use your online course to sell consulting services. You can set up a scheduling system online and hold private sessions with those who need one-on-one training.

They handle the technical details, the marketing, and the customer service management. All you have to do is create the course and collect the annual licensing fee. Of course, you may read all this and still be left wondering: will anyone want to pay for what I know? A quick way to gauge the value of your course idea is to ask yourself: how often do people ask you for this information? Did you field a lot of questions from the audience? Had you answered those questions before in other contexts?

Give it away for free. See how people respond, and you may just discover you have a real money maker on your hands. Laura is a marketing specialist with experience presenting at WordPress events in Ann Arbor and Vienna. Hi Laura: Not sure if you can help me or not, but I am in the process of putting together an online Spa Retreat that includes Content from my book book is included in priceguided meditation and deep breathing exercises.

I want to use live video calls weekly for 6 weeks. I am looking for the correct platform to take payment, as well as deliver the video conference. What a great idea for an online training course! Not a lot of people think of delivering an online meditation course, but I think there are some creative ways this could be.

When it comes to online payment, your LMS of choice will have ways to help you monetize your course. As for video conferencing, there are a few options available, and the best one for your needs will depend on your course and how much you are willing to spend. You can use free options, like Skype or Google Hangouts, but if you plan to have a larger group on the call, or if you need more advanced conference controls, you may need to sign up a more powerful platform.

I know that Zoom, GoToMeeting, and join. I recommend you find a way to test them out and choose the one that works best for you. Not sure if I should start with subscription base or up front fees? Also not sure how to price each course. Re: subscription or flat-rate? Subscriptions are generally a better business model for the instructor, as they are a lower barrier-to-entry, and they help support the course over its lifetime. On the other hand, many users are wary of subscriptions because they know they will lose their course content once they unsubscribe.

The question is what you think you can sell. Re: pricing. There are two major consideration you should take into account for pricing: 1 How much of your time does it take to create and run the course, and what is your time worth? On the other hand, if you can teach a very high-value skill efficiently, then you can maximize your profit margins. Computer sciences are a fairly high-value skill. Your email address will not be published. Posted on April 16, January 13, Do you have any suggestions?

Many Thanks! Hi Patricia, What a great idea for an online training course! I would factor a few things into your decision: Re: subscription or flat-rate? Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.

Related Posts. Ready To Get Started? Create your courses in minutes! Let’s Begin!

How to turn a profit in online education.

quick courses to make money
I found my online school there and I’m very satisfied. There are a number of certifications that pay well in almost every industry. Whether you are considering going to school for your first time or are a working professional with years of experience, there are likely certifications that can help you boost your current standing. There are quick certificates for jobs in areas like healthcare and beauty. And there are also certificates for professionals like network administrators, accountants, and project managers. People who are looking for certification programs that pay well often choose to work in healthcare. That is because the medical industry is known for its short training programs that often lead to careers that offer good earnings, opportunities, and even potential for future growth. And if you are currently working in information technology or are considering entering the fieldthen there are a lot of quick certificate programs that can showcase your abilities and help you pursue better-paying jobs. However, these are just two examples of many possibilities. Quick courses to make money to help you discover some of the best certifications for jobs, we have compiled a list of popular options throughout a variety of industries and for all levels of education and experience. Find the certification that can help you reach your full potential by discovering the:. The annual pay levels being referenced are based on data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, unless otherwise noted. You may not realize how many options you have for jobs that only require a certificate. The reality is that, once you have completed one of the many quick certificate programs that are available, you will often receive additional on-the-job training in order to supplement what you have already learned in school. Opportunities can be found in almost anything from business and healthcare to criminal justice and media arts. So take a moment to explore a few of the best certificate programs below that can open you up to high-paying jobs that don’t require a college degree. Bookkeeper —Take care of a business’ or organization’s basic accounting needs. Many bookkeeping certificate programs, or other relevant business programscan be completed in a year or. In that time, you can learn how to complete tasks related to payroll processing and computerized accounting. Court Reporter —Record spoken words and gestures during court trials and other legal proceedings so that law professionals have accurate transcripts to refer to. Court reporting can be one of the best certificate programs that pay. In fact, almost half of court reporters have no more than a post-secondary certificate.
