Things to sell on ebay to make money fast

things to sell on ebay to make money fast

Are you interested in turning your household clutter into cold hard cash or make money thrift flipping, but not sure what items sell well on eBay? Got you covered! Mak out this list with 75 unbelievable items that you can sell on eBay for high prices — some are worth hundreds! Start treasure hunting in your very own home today with this list of the best things to sell on eBay as a guide. Stick around for a helpful freebie at the end to get you started listing and selling on eBay! This list of the best things to sell on eBay has been built from personal experience selling on eBay and observing thousands of listings on thinngs selling platform. All for stuff you just have lying around your house or at your local thrift store. This post may contain affiliate links for your convenience. That means that if you make a purchase, I will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Read more. If you want to make money on eBay, the Advanced Search feature is the most valuable tool you have in your eBay arsenal. Knowing the approximate value of the item you are selling will help in pricing it to sell fast for a tidy profit. Whenever you are digging around your home searching for treasures or browsing secondhand items, have the eBay things to sell on ebay to make money fast open so you can quickly check recent sale prices for items you find!

2) Watch your fees

With more than million active users in , Ebay remains one of the top online platforms for buying and selling products. It currently sits at the number 3 spot behind Amazon and Walmart in terms of visitor numbers, with an impressive million visits per month. Ebay lets sellers create an auction easily and cash in within a week. As of February of , the app has an audience reach of People dipping their toes into Ebay for the first time are usually looking to sell pre-used items. These Ebay users pop up only when they have stuff to sell, usually items they have around the house. This group of Ebay sellers trade during their free time and usually scales up when the business shows true potential to expand. Refers to established businesses with a large customer base and significant product turnover. They typically work full-time on their Ebay business. Knowing who to source your products from and building a strong relationship with suppliers is one of the most important pieces of the puzzle if you want to have a successful dropshipping business on Ebay. Most beginner dropshippers will probably fire up Google and try to look for a product to sell and where to source it.

2. Old Puzzles

So you decided to take the plunge and start your eBay side hustle …. Now the first big obstacle that you will face is trying to make money on eBay is what to sell. What to sell on eBay seems a little like finding a needle in haystack at first. You most likely have this feeling that you want to get everything right…. I made a whopping 15 dollars on the phone and lost money on the PS2… because I didnt take into account shipping and fees. Remember you can sell literally almost any on eBay. There are few exceptions but in reality its almost limitless. Start with items around your house. Most eBay side hustles begin with selling items in their house. This allows you to figure out eBays platform and begin to understand the fees associated with selling. I say that loosely because at some point you bought it, but just consider it a sunk cost and a quick win. Whether we are talking new or used, clothing is always a big seller on eBay. Even though fashion trends tend to change from year to year you will always find people who love certain styles. A great place to find these items is at Goodwill or yard sales. Remember these clothes are not for you. When shopping I tend to pull up eBay to see the price of recently sold clothes so I have an idea of profit.

Types of Ebay Sellers

Check it out. Here’s how. Plus, insider tips on how to make money on eBay from eBay senior exec Jim Griffith. Ramit Sethi. We also interviewed a senior executive at eBay to get insider tips on how to make money selling stuff on eBay. Want more money? Susan and I are both fans of Big Wins. That means aggressively cutting costs, optimizing our spending, and earning more. How much can you really make on the site anyway? Most importantly: Is it worth it … or am I just going to get screwed by selling all of my stuff way below market value. Photos are going to be the very first thing people look at when they click on your product listing. So make sure they look as good as possible. To do this, photograph your product on a flat neutral-colored surface and background ideally white so your product will pop. I made an epic guide full of proven ways to make money. The buyer wants comfort. What are they struggling with? How does my product service those needs? Our suggestion: Go with the longer duration. More specifically, choose a day listing and optimize it for the most views. Weekends typically have the highest traffic. This is a price minimum a seller can set on their product. My goal is to make as much money as I can, so I reduce the amount of upfront money I have to pay. This keeps me competitive with everyone. I would rather get little for it than have it sit on my shelf and have it costing me money.

Steps to Getting Started and Growing an eBay Business

I wouldn’t let anything, even a divorce stand in my way. My solution was eBay. I could make a killing on eBay, good profits, ship when I wanted to, and still be there for every second of my children’s lives. It was the best of both worlds. Although I’ve been selling on eBay for 15 years, I created a very successful, stable income for myself and my kids in a year and a half.

There was no teacher telling me what I should do or not. It was all trial and error. After all, the best secrets of how to make a living on eBay are a secret right? When you’re first starting out on eBay, you just want to sell whatever you have lying around the house. You’d be surprised at what goes for good money on eBay, especially if you break parts up.

Let’s say your vacuum just broke and you replaced it with a new one. Totally not kidding! Someone else may not have the money to go out and buy a new vacuum, so they buy the parts off eBay and it saves them money. They are happy. You are happy because collectively for a few parts, they just bought you a new vacuum!

Shipping costs these days can ruin a business. If you want to have a successful business on eBay, you need a store. There’s no going around it. There are so many perks to having a store, one is that eBay promotes your store on search engines, so you’re getting a lot more traffic than you will not having one.

Another perk is that it automatically gives you credibility. Do you know how many cases are opened with eBay by fly-by-the-night scammers? People want to order from someone who has great feedback and has a store.

Customers know you take this seriously and you have a reputation to protect. This means that if anything goes wrong, you’ll stand by.

If you don’t have a lot of money to work with, again, look at the Freebie section in Craigslist or on local Facebook groups. You can easily get yard sale leftovers, curb alerts and free stuff all the time on there and sell what’s worth money, and give away or throw away what’s not. Think it’s not worth it? This is how I made my living the entire first 6 months after I started eBay.

What really went well for me was clothes. Sometimes, I’d even resell the clothes back on Craigslist separated out by sizes. Say someone has pieces of clothing, nothing is separated into sizes, you break up the lot, sell it by size and make a lot of money.

Same thing with eBay. If you have a mannequin, you could start selling them piece by piece and get a lot more than. It just depends on how much time you. Yard sales are great to find things, especially books and jeans. Keep your eyes peeled, and do your research. After a while, you’ll know exactly what goes and for. If you keep your cell phone with you, never let them see you looking up something and then try to buy the item.

You just told them it’s worth something, and you’ll never score it for a good deal. You absolutely have to be available for questions at things to sell on ebay to make money fast times. The general rule of thumb is that you want to respond to questions within 1 hour. I know it seems harsh, but if you call a company, do you want them to call you back next week?

Or do you want help now? Because I guarantee you, they’ll just go somewhere else, buy from someone else, and you lost the sale. Likewise, always be professional and polite. There are times where you’ll wanna slap. I had a lady the other day who ordered something twice, I contacted her to ask her if she meant to do that, she said no. I said okay, I canceled the transaction.

She said nevermind, I’ll just buy two. I shipped out two, then now she’s saying she only received one even though USPS says it was delivered. Always get tracking by the way. It’s part of the job. You HAVE to be polite.

Just know that you are protected in cases like that, and it’s just a matter of time before eBay makes a decision in your favor, but if you’re rude and mean, customers CAN slap you with a harassment case. If you’re found guilty, you can be kicked off. Even the little snarky remarks are considered harassment, so always practice fantastic customer service skills. The more oddball your stuff is, the more weird, or rare it is, the better it’ll sell.

This is exactly opposite if you sell on Amazon. With eBay, the rarer the items are, the more money you’ll get, the faster it’ll sell, and the more bidders will bid. Speaking of bidding, I never hold bidding auctions. I do buy-it-now with payment required. Just save yourself things to sell on ebay to make money fast hassle of all the thousands of non-paying bidders out there wasting your time and set your items for buy-it-now.

You can do best offer, but in my opinion, it’s a waste of time. After a while of selling, you’ll start to find your groove. You’ll start to know what people want to buy, what they like, what you’re selling well and just sell. What do you like? What are you most knowledgeable in? You want to sell those types of things. For me, it’s Littlest Pet Shops. They make over 3, different pets and they are considered collectors items, since you can’t just go and buy what you want in the stores.

Kids and parents alike go crazy over them and there’s an entire underground world of LPS. Another great thing to sell on eBay that is highly sought after and profitable is Lalaloopsy. Lalaloopsy’s are fairly new, so they could fade out in time, but the LPS have been selling since the ‘s, and well I might add. You can check out my complete guide on Littlest Pet Shops. I hope that I have inspired you to get started selling on eBay and see the huge potential in making a fantastic living on eBay.

It’ll take some time for you to get established to the point that you are steadily selling. You’ll want a large selection if you want continual sales, enough to make a great living from eBay, but most people don’t need THAT. You can find more information on how to make a living on eBay as well as other sources of how to make a living from home on my blog.

I have been fortunate to be able to be a single stay-at-home-mom, and I wish all the best to you as well in your endeavor to work from home. In our economy and the way things are going, this will become more and more possible as the years go on. There are so many things you can do to work from home and earn legitimate money to help your family. Are you ready to get serious about flipping?

Check out this free webinar. Sarah is a stay-at-home mom of two wonderful children. Her passion is showing other women in practical ways, how to quit the and be able to be home with their little ones as. Sarah loves encouraging others that dreams do come true if they are willing to consistently work for it. Awesome ideas! This makes me want to ramp up my eBay selling. Thanks for the info and motivation. I have sold some stuff on ebay but am still confused on how to do packaging.

I had always just used boxes that i. What is yhe best way to charge shipping and use the usps boxes. Jamie, great question. I would try to ship things that can go First Class Mail if you want to run a business. Otherwise, all your profits get eaten up by postage. If you have to ship things outside of that, use calculators on the eBay form and have the buyers pay exact shipping.

Sometimes Parcel Select is cheaper, sometimes Priority Mail is cheaper. Bear that in mind when making a decision as. What is the scale you use…you mentioned it in the post but there is no picture or description of what brand it is?

There are million eBay buyers worldwide. There are a few different types of eBay sellers. PowerSellers are professional sellers who spend a lot of time purchasing items, packaging products, shipping and receiving goods, and managing auctions. To make extra cash, she turns to her closet and sells her gently used designer threads under a fixed-price listing. He scours the internet for comic book collectibles and video game action figures to resell. Three categories that sell particularly well on eBay are:. While some eBay sellers focus on a niche product, others follow the trends to sell what is popular at the moment. This will require a bit of research on your. You can use this tool from eBay to see what buyers are searching. Another resource for researching seasonal trends and historical data is Google Trends. You can use it to help gauge consumer demand and determine the best time to list and sell your product. You can use the eBay appraisal tool to determine the value or trending price of a particular item in a specific category. When eBay first launched init was a true peer-to-peer marketplace built on auctions. There are pros and cons to each selling method — the one that will work best for you is highly dependent upon your individual business. You run a traditional auction for a specified number of days. At the start of the auction, you list an opening bid, and then buyers will bid up from the opening price.
