How do google extension developers make money

how do google extension developers make money

Being the most dominant web browser, Chrome web store has endless extensions to cover your business operations end-to-end. The right Chrome extension can revolutionize the way you work and maximize results while minimizing time. And exactly there lies a huge business opportunity mqke you as the owner of a popular chrome extension. Figure out what are the biggest pain points of a small business owner, think of a solution for it and extensioh a chrome extension developed to solve that problem. For example, this chrome extension that keeps track of your working times right from your to-do list edtension several hundred thousand dollars in a very short time. Before we delve deep into monetization of Chrome extensions, we will first in this article explore what are the advantages of using chrome extensions and why small businesses are better off using chrome extensions at work.

What can’t you do?

The one important piece that Feedly did not offer was a Chrome extension that would let users subscribe to RSS feeds on any web page with a click. Since the extension was something that I needed for my own workflow, I wrote one writing a Chrome extension is easy and also published it to Google Chrome store. One morning I got an email from someone I tried Googling her name but it returned no results asking me if I would be interested in selling the Feedly Chrome extension. It was a 4-figure offer for something that had taken an hour to create and I agreed to the deal. I had no clue about the buyer and was also curious to know why would anyone pay this kind of money for such a simple Chrome extension. The extension was sold, they sent the money via PayPal and I transferred the ownership of the extension to a particular Google Account. It was a smooth transition. A month later, the new owners of the Feedly extension pushed an update to the Chrome store. Instead, they incorporated advertising into the extension. In simple English, if the extension is activated in Chrome, it will inject adware into all web pages. The user ratings of the Chrome extension are headed south. No surprises, the ratings of the extension have recently plummeted at the Chrome store but the business model of the buyer is simple — they buy popular add-ons, inject affiliate links and the bulk of users would never notice this since the Chrome browser automatically updates add-ons in the background. And there are no changelogs either. The extension does offer an option to opt-out of advertising you are opted-in by default or you can disable them on your own by blocking the superfish. It was probably a bad idea to sell the Chrome add-on and am sorry if you were an existing user.

how do google extension developers make money

Will I ever be able to sell through AMO?

Your password must contains at least 8 characters, one capital letter and one number. Ganesh verma Being a software tester it’s my job to act June 9th, I use a number of web extensions. I love. I know that there are thousands of these things, so how do they make money? Mahesh J Been working with startups for more than 4 years, building goldenhour. Toggle navigation. Remember me. Forgot password? Log in. Don’t have an account? Hide my real name optional. Already a CoFoundersLab member? Browser extensions are generally made to serve one or more of the following purposes A SAAS business makes browser extension as part of their service offering eg. These businesses make money by selling the service An individual or a web development company might make an extension as a side project to beef up their portfolio. This could serve as a medium for getting new clients There are also paid extensions on the Chrome web store.
