How much money does instagram make

how much money does instagram make

I also find myself posting a lot more on Instagram than Snapchat these days, specially the raps I make daily. Today, I wanted to explore how does Instagram make money, their revenue plan and a lot of other exciting stuff. Instagram, owned by Facebook, Inc. During its initial launch, Instagram was an exclusive iOS application. People with Android devices were able to download the app by Aprilfollowed by a web interface in November Instagram became available for devices running on the Windows operating system in Users can apply filters, organize with tags, provide location information, and share content on social networking sites like Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook. Initially, the service only allowed users to frame content in a square aspect ratio, but this got eased in Since its launch inInstagram rapidly gained popularity. This feature enables brands to post up to five photos that any user may swipe through, and with options at the end for more content or visit the website of the brand.

This Facebook owned mobile application has been ranked as the best image sharing application in a very short period of time. Facebook, unlike with its other acquisitions, planned to build and grow this application independently. Smartphones have brought a revolution in the image sharing trends. Image sharing has been increasing at a two digit rate , Instagram being the number one image sharing social network. Just like other social networking applications and websites like Facebook , Snapchat , Twitter etc. Instagram requires users to create a profile to connect with others. There was no stopping after that. Many new features were introduced, many features were copied and advertisements were included in many of them. August 2, — Introduced Stories, a feature copied from Snapchat, which let users upload photos and videos as their Instagram story which automatically expires after 24 hours. November 21, — Launched live video feature which allows users to broadcast live on Instagram for up to an hour. February 22, — Released Instagram carousel which enables users to post up to ten pictures or videos in the same post. Most of the features Instagram provides are used by the advertisers as well. Ads on Instagram come in the form of —. These are just like the usual posts but have a sponsored tag and a call to action button. Instagram lets advertisers tell a story through a group of images. There is also an increase in the number of users of Instagram which have attracted more advertisers on board. Facebook and Instagram native sponsored posts, though a great deal today, will lose their importance in coming years as users can differentiate them from organic posts. Unlike Snapchat, their ads stand out which result in less click-through rate and engagements.

how much money does instagram make

How many followers do you need to make money on Instagram?

Endorsed by someone you follow. In the past month. These influencers — as society has labeled them — have created a digital empire by snapping a few semi-filtered shots with one hand, while promoting the latest trend with the other. Their credibility comes through an influx of social engagement, which occurs while building an influence that is rewarded with products, money, and sometimes even fame. And just how realistic that task is to conquer. This logic stems from the idea that the more eyes that see the content, the more brands are willing to pay. Unlike your popular friend that has acquired this many followers by posting cool stuff, the people behind these handles are vying to grow their page around a specific niche.

Go On, Tell Us What You Think!

Instagram has rocketed to become one of the highest profile social media sites. Its fans clearly love its focus on photos and visual imagery. Since then, Instagram has jumped to million users, with million actively using Instagram on a daily basis. More than 40 billion photos have been uploaded to date. With these types of numbers, is it any surprise that people make a comfortable living from Instagram.

It may not have the nicely structured way to earn income that YouTube does, but there are still plenty of ways that popular and active Instagrammers make money from the platform. Probably the best-known way of making money on Instagram is as an influencer, where you make sponsored posts on behalf of a brand. You will need a sizeable following for brands to consider you viable, so spend your time building up your following and engagement before you attempt to connect with brands.

It is important that you keep your content authentic. Your followers will rapidly lose interest in you if you come across as simply making posts for marketing purposes. If you do manage to make a sponsorship deal with a brand you will normally create posts with relevant images or videos.

You then share the posts with your audience and eventually get paid. One way you can find brands to sponsor you is to outreach to any brands you feel an affinity.

Send them emails promoting your services. Make sure that you tell them your follower numbers and engagement statistics. Show them samples of the types of posts you make. Another option is to work with a platform or agency. These will make it easier for you to meet up with brands wanting to connect with influential Instagrammers. The different platforms use a variety of different systems. In some cases, they search out for influencers of certain sizes and approach them to join their platform.

In others, platforms provide brands with lists of influencers, which they determine by some form of an algorithm. They use these lists in place of signing influencers up to the platform. Some platforms accept applications by anybody who considers themself to be an influencer.

We have reviews of many of the major platforms which may assist you in deciding which would be most suitable for your situation.

If you are an affiliate you sign up with a company and try and sell their product. You get to keep a certain percentage of each sale you make. As an affiliate, you will be given a trackable link for the products you sell. This means that if somebody follows your link and buys the good, the selling company knows that the customer came via you, and knows to pay you the commission.

The only place you can put one is in your bio. This means that you can realistically only promote one affiliate product at a time. By sending people to your bio you can encourage them to click through to the actual affiliate link. For affiliate marketing to be successful on Instagram you need to search for products that will connect with your followers. All that is likely to do is to lead to Unfollows. A good guideline to follow is to only sell products that you would buy.

Search for products that convert well for other affiliates. Look for products that have received good reviews from customers. One problem with affiliate links is that they can be incredibly long.

You can find these influencers on:. If you operate a business you can use Instagram in the same way as any other brand. This is particularly valuable when you sell products that you can showcase with your photography. Instagram is ideal for promoting fashion, beauty and food products. You can create posts giving special offers.

Just remember the rule. You can still showcase your store or business in more general posts though, by emphasizing its more human. For instance, you could share images of your customers using the product.

Alternatively, you might show your followers what truly happens behind the scenes. They are likely to respond well to these posts showing your more human. You need your Instagram posts to show that you are trustworthy. You can carry out this tactic even if you don’t already operate a business.

You could open up an online store, e. You then build up an Instagram account in the relevant niche, featuring your products. Use your Instagram promotions to drive traffic to your online store. If you take high-quality photos then there is a chance that people may be willing to pay for your best images. Think how many people willingly purchase stock images online. To a large extent, this does depend on your photography skills.

The more you work on these, along with editing and composition, the greater the chance that you will be able to make some money from your images.

You are far more likely to sell an authentic photo than a staged one. Think of all those cheesy stock photos that you see, parfocality on the free sites. You want your images to look real, not played-up for the camera. Make then either vertical or horizontal if you hope to give them a resale value. You can promote your photography portfolio on Instagram using suitable hashtags. Once you have built up a larger enough collection of photos on Instagram you could make direct pitches to websites that you think may be interested in using your pictures.

Instagram and YouTube go together very. As we have previously discussed, YouTube has a clear system of rewarding its top performers. While Instagram lacks the convenience of a centralised Adsense monetization, it does provide an excellent way for you to promote your YouTube channel.

You can even post teaser trailers for your YouTube videos on Instagram. This helps build up excitement in anticipation of your full-scale YouTube productions.

Successful YouTubers can also use Instagram to engage with their audiences. They can even ask their followers to suggest ideas for future videos. Instagram can be a highly lucrative way of making money. However, you do need to do the groundwork .

How To Make Money On Instagram

The Instagram Money Calculator allows you to calculate your estimated earnings from your Instagram account if you believe you are an influencer, based on your engagement and number of followers. Below are some stats relating to engagement on Instagram, followed by the Instagram Influencer Earnings Calculator. The tools below are not official Instagram tools and not in any way associated or endorsed by Instagram. This tool was developed to provide earning potential guidelines to influencers. Unlike with YouTube, where you sell space on your videos and channel page for advertising at a rate decided by Google, Instagram does not compensate its users for running ads on their posted photos. Brands make deals with influencers, and rates can vary markedly depending on the circumstances. However, one thing is consistent in nearly all cases — Influencers get paid dods if they have both a high instagrsm rate, as well as a high number of followers. Brands have how much money does instagram make that you can easily buy followers who are of no practical value to anybody.
