Make money mommy blogging

make money mommy blogging

I recently discovered a corner of the internet that was new to me. It was obvious 50 words into this post that it contained nothing new or helpful to me or anyone. Yet I found myself clicking through, maybe out of a sense of incredulousness that content like this is still being produced in earnest in When I browse these blogs, I feel lulled into a state of comfortable voyeurism, which is not how I feel when consuming content written by the gleaming-haired momfluencers I follow on Instagram. When our kids were little, we got into the habit of staying up late, so we could have some time after they went to bed, to do what we wanted. That last line brought me an unexpected jolt of delight. Unlike most media that targets women, these bloggers are not compelled to breathlessly enthuse about every emergent pop-cultural phenomenon. Is everyone as excited as I am for the new season of Stranger Things?! Women make money mommy blogging are expected to maintain an unrealistic level of enthusiasm for almost everything, and these bloggers seemed notably immune to that one particular rigor of online femininity. These homemaking blogs exist in a hard-to-differentiate sprawl. Many of them share almost identical design themes.

How to Make Money from Home Easily

I want the free course! The blogging world is huge, Need an easy way to create nofollow links using the Gutenberg editor? Instead of manually editing the HTML every time you need a nofollow link, just use this simple plugin below. After installing and activating it, a new slider will come up when you use the Gutenberg Have you ever wondered if you could really make a living with a blog when your niche is so small? Don’t fret! Are you ready to start I’m a huge fan, obviously of how it can easily change lives overnight. Not only is the internet really less than 30 years old so crazy Subscribe to my blogging hacks newsletter and get access to all of my secrets in this free course! I just want to thank you so much for all of your help in laying out a step by step plan that I was able to follow. She is truly an inspiration and she definetaly knows the ins and outs of the blogging world! Like I seriously cannot even believe that!!! I studied Industrial Engineering and have been creating websites since

7 Mom Blogs That Make Money Blogging

I had no idea this was possible. Initially I just wanted to make a few extra dollars to cover my Starbucks cravings. But it all changed when I started putting in the time and finally learned how to make money blogging. I saw the possibilities of blogging and I knew I had to share it with others! If you have the will to grow a successful money making blog, keep reading! Below is the first income report video I did when I hit a huge milestone with my blog. I almost broke down! Six years ago my brother, one of the entrepreneurs of the family, kept telling me about this guy named Pat. At first I thought Pat was a new friend he made, but once he mentioned that Pat makes thousands a month online, I knew this was something different. Forward six years later, and my husband starts talking about a guy named Pat. I needed to find out who Pat is and what he does. I finally did my research and found out who Pat is! And once I realized the potential to creating passive income online I jumped right into it! I researched if there were women who were the Pats of the internet, and below is what I found! I found how 6 mom bloggers make money blogging in different niches and with hugely different page views per month. And I saw that each blogger was making money in different ways. If they could do it, then heck, I can too! And so can you! You will see that regardless of the size or age of your blog, making money with a mom blog is very possible! All six of these blogs publish their income reports and they have been extremely kind to allow me to share their numbers with you! Blogging is one of the cheapest hobbies to start that can generate a huge income! Make money, have a creative outlet and interact with other amazing people…. I started this blog my second blog in January I had my second baby a month later, in February. I launched my ebook in June and my course in September. If I can do this, you can too! I am here to help you every step of the way. My heart goes out to moms who need a creative outlet, who need to feel like more than just a mom, and who want to make money from home as moms. Let me help you! It is hard work, but it is definitely worth it.

make money mommy blogging


Want to start making money on your own mom blog? Get started here now! You see Polly and I knew from the beginning that we wanted to build a business from our blogging hobby. But, I was skeptical that it was even possible. I wanted proof. Unfortunately, not much proof existed on the internet in to answer my question, however. Since then, there is so much more information available about how much money mom blogs make. In fact, some bloggers we admire greatly now publish their monthly income reports for the world to see. The first time I saw this, my jaw dropped. But, this information is so incredibly helpful! Back to the question at hand, though. The short answer is this: the amount of money mom bloggers make is different for every single one. Every blogger has to decide over time what she has to offer readers and what income sources work best for her own platform. Of course, we continue to experiment, learn, and grow. Trust me. Some of the bloggers I linked to above work full-time on theirs, and their husbands work with them as well. Not bad for all the advantages and the potential for more and more growth! Remember there are two of us working on our baby the blog. This helps cover some of the costs for this site. We appreciate your support! We have found this program to be extremely reliable in delivering digital products. We cannot say enough good things about these guys!


When I started blogging my twins were still babies. Finding the time to blog meant that I had to work when everyone was sleeping. The fist step is having a blog plan that you can go by and take action. My twins are five years old but I still say I have mom brain! From there, my blog income grew more each month.

And I want to help you — new blogger friend! Do you focus on SEO? Guest Posting? What do you focus on first? The list can go on and on. Knowing exactly what to focus on in the first three months can help you achieve your income goal for your blog. If you want to start your own mom blog that makes money, make sure to sign up to my free course that helps you start a mom blog!

From what I figured as a brand new blogger, seven hours to do these blog tasks should be sufficient. To inspire you to start a blog I want you to truly know that blogging has changed my life in so many ways. Just think about it — when your mom was your age, there was no internet, no Pinterest, Twitter or even cell phones!

To help you start your blog, make sure to check out my step-by-step tutorial. You can have different fonts and layout your blog in different ways. Here is what the Unwind Theme looks like on my demo site:.

People will come to know your blog by your logo. To help you out I have a post and a free video to show you how to create a logo using Canva. Pinterest is a traffic driver for your blog.

And Pinterest is the fastest way to do this! When setting up your account, make sure to add your website and verify it. This will get analytics with click-through from Pinterest to your site. To get your Pinterest noticed by other pinners and from Pinterest itselfyou need to let everyone know what your profile is. So, help them with putting keywords in your titles from your niche topic.

Note that your title can only be 30 characters long. There is hack to have a longer title if you use your mobile to change your title but it may not always work. To help them understand your Pinterest profile, create board topics within your niche and that will attract other pinners. For our fictional homeschool profile, you can use the same keywords you found originally as board topics. You can expand that search to include learning topics, developmental topics, free resources and printables.

You can expand further to include topics you think your audience would like: budgeting, frugal living, special needs, DIY art and. Find a top pinner with that niche topic and check out their profile. Look at their board topics and use that as inspiration for your board titles.

Pinterest promotes boards in your smart feed. If you want your board to be featured in the smart feed, use descriptive keywords for your board topics. This means setting up sharing buttons and a Pinterest widget. For that I have a post with several videos to help you do that! Check it out! When a reader clicks on that link and buys what you are promoting, you get a commission.

This is a percent of the price of the product. Each affiliate program has different rules and regulations for promoting their affiliates. So make sure to research each affiliate program. Personally, I like to go to the tool or service business and see if they have an affiliate program. Above all, when doing affiliate marketing, get to know the product you are promoting. I suggest using products first, and if you think it helped you, then it will probably help your audience.

For example, when I started Tailwind, I did not promote my affiliate link until I knew it helped me with my blog traffic and brand recognition. When people start visiting your blog, you want to let them know the blogger behind what they are reading.

You can do that with your About page. Your About page is the most popular page on your website. Bloggers want to know the blogger behind your posts. Invite them with your warm smile and friendly and engaging copy. One thing I like to make sure I do is introduce myself and let new readers know my. By the time I finish their blurb, I have no clue what their name is!

Similarly, you can help readers with their questions by having a resource page. Those affiliate programs you signed up for can be put to good use. Promote those affiliates on your resource page.

Check out mine to see how I did. Make sure to add your affiliate link in your blurb and in your image so that when someone moves over the image, a link shows up. For your post you might have no idea what to blog. Here are some ideas to help you get started:. Your first post can be about anything! Trust me when I say, not a lot of bloggers will read your first post.

For your next post or your third or fourth post, I want you to write a foundational type of post. They can also be a type of resource post. For example, my first foundational post for Twins Mommy was a tools post for work at home moms.

It has over 5k shares and is still popular on Pinterest. Some help with your first foundational post is to think of doing a how-to or tutorial based type of post. This type of blog post template will be used later for your income generating posts, i. Month two of your blog plan is all about building blog traffic so that you can start making money blogging!

The tasks for this month total around 10 hours. Pinterest has stated that they are going to de-prioritize group boards, meaning they may not show up in the smart feeds. However, I still use group boards for some of my Pinterest profiles and they are driving tons of traffic! I would love it if you Liked my page!

Pinterest groups are collaborative boards. They have multiple contributors pinning to that board. This means that whenever you pin to that group board with a lot of followers, it has the potential to be seen by their massive followers. Pinterest make money mommy blogging a visual platform and will totally help you get traffic to your new blog.

The way to grow your traffic and start making money blogging is having a beautiful and inviting pin graphic. To help you get started on creating a great looking pin, I have a free video tutorial using Canva. One thing I wish I did sooner was start automating my pins.

Pinterest likes when you are using their platform frequently. They show and recommend your pins and boards more to new pinners. When I started Tailwind my reach, traffic and followers grew immensely. In the second month, the best way to get start growing is to start reaching out and connecting. The first part of that is reaching. I want you to start guest posting or podcasting.

There are other blogs — ones that are more bigger than yours and have more traffic than yours — that open up their blog to guest posters.

You write a post, you get an author bio and they publish it on their blog. Huffington Post is a great example. While it may be hard to land a guest post spot on Scary Mommy, there are other less popular — but still bigger than your blog — that accept guest posts. You can also search on Facebook during collaboration threads. These threads have bloggers asking to collaborate on anything from course lessons to podcasts to guest blogs.

The Mom to Mompreneur Facebook Group has many mom bloggers that have podcasts or guest contributors. When you guest post or podcastmake sure you give the best tips in your niche topic. This is because that post will be seen by more people on their blog than on your blog, so make it good! Finally, when you guest post remember to optimize your author bio.

This is a little blurb on who you are, your blog and what you can offer. I like to link to a lead magnet, services page or social media profile in my author bio.

Start a Mom Blog November Income Report

How to Start a Mom blog and Make Money

I want to share with you 7 mommy blogs that are generating income. I want to inspire you and let you know that if they can do it, then you can do it. Her blog has many different topics and each post are mostly momey roundups with even more tips and more products. This is like a mom blog on sterioids! But you know what? What I like about her pregnancy and new baby blog is that her mae is authentic and personal. What amazes me is that her blog is a frugal living blog that helps people save money. If you decide to do a blog with multi-topics, breaking your blog up with distinct categories is helpful for your audience! This is how I started blogging at first! I started a freelance writing blog and over time was able to replace my full-time income only working part-time hours! Caitlin blog Real Mom Recs is a parenting blog for moms.
