Often times men think the only things that make a girl happy is buying shoes, expensive gifts, and fancy restaurants. While those things are nice, a gift for woman cannot replace these simple steps to making a woman happy. Happiness is the solid foundation a marriage or relationship is built on. So, ensuring your spouse or partner is happy should be a top priority for anyone dating, married or in a relationship. A little romance can go a long ways to make a girl happy and it can often be done free or very cheap. Give compliments- Women need to feel pretty. Women want to feel like they are the most attractive person in the room, even when they first crawl out of bed in the morning. They also love to be told when something they do pleases their man. A simple, «You look pretty today. Did you make it differently? Simple compliments tell women that you notice and you care. Listen- This means just listen. Men are «fix-it» types and always try to come up with solutions.
1. Blogging
Just 20 proven steps you can start using right now to attract the girl you like and make her your girlfriend. Stop trying to get a girlfriend. The first step to getting a girlfriend is to stop trying. Instead go into every new interaction you have with women expecting nothing in return. Make her notice you. Wear items of clothing and jewellery that attract women and start conversations. Leather jackets, jewellery and tailored suits are a great place to start. Anything you can do to mix things up from how you present yourself will work wonders at attracting a whole new wave of female attention. Already have a special girl in mind? Get ready to approach her. Approach her with confidence. Instead use a neutral or downwards vocal inflection. Hold eye contact and tell her why you simply had to come say hello. Give her a genuine compliment. Tell her exactly why you approached her and be as specific if you can. Use the first think you noticed about her that attracted you. Tease her. Teasing is the easiest way to create sexual tension between you and a girl you like.
Look for little, inexpensive ways to be romantic, and it will pay off for your relationship in innumerable ways. Why inexpensive? Well, you could rent a limo and take your love to a snooty French restaurant, or whisk him or her off to a trip to the snow-capped Alps, or rent a stadium and have the Three Tenors sing love songs for you while the New York Philharmonic plays in the background. The rest of the time, I have to resort to cheaposity. OK, enough talk. Previous post : 10 Ways to Simplify Your Budget. Join two million breath-taking readers: rss email twitter facebook. Post written by Leo Babauta. Follow me on twitter. I recommend you have a date at least once a week with your partner. This list contains a lot of obvious stuff — you could probably come up with twice as many good ideas yourself. Pick and choose some good ideas, or use it to spark some of your own. Sometimes we just need a little reminder. Forget Valentines. Instead, pick one of these ideas and do it any day of the week — no need for a special occasion. Cook a romantic dinner. Give a full-body massage. Pack a sunset picnic. Pick wildflowers on the way home. Burn a CD with love songs. Give dark chocolates. Read poetry together. Prepare strawberries with fondue chocolate. Snuggle together on a rainy day. Leave little love notes everywhere. Send a love email every day. Take a moonlit walk on the beach. Snuggle together while watching romantic movies Casablanca, Audrey Hepburn are my favs. Get good wine, watch shooting stars. Take a bath together use bubbles! Bring home good coffee or a decadent sweet. Take a walk down memory lane — visit some of the special places from your early days of dating. Make warm chocolate cake for dessert.
Part 2. Going On Dates
Trust is one of the secret ingredients to smooth out the bumps in a relationship. Building trust requires commitment to certain behaviors. Although there is no immediate sure fire way to make your girlfriend trust you, there are behaviors and character traits you can cultivate to put you on the right path. Start with yourself. Learn to trust yourself first before gaining the trust of someone else. Also, if you know you are trustworthy, she will eventually see it too. Trust her. In a relationship, trust goes to both ways. If you display faith in a girl, she probably will also show faith to you, which can go along way in building trust in a relationship. Communicate openly. Effective communication is the key to making any relationship thrive. The more open and honest you are to your girlfriend, the better you will be able to gain her trust. Talk to her about your needs and views, and create an atmosphere that is entirely free of secrets and suspicions. Share your life. Invite your girl out to spend with your family, friends, or co-workers.
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In case that your relationship could be better, then keep on reading. Maybe the spark is gone and your girlfriend is acting cold and distant. Whenever your girl is behaving bitchy it always means that she has lost attraction. In both cases, you should follow these steps to make her feel special. On the other hand, if she reacts positively, it shows that you should do this regularly to make her feel loved and rekindle the spark between you. So you want to make your girlfriend happy and give her the iwth of being special? Let me show you some quick ways to make her melt. You can also variate it by looking at her lips. People do this often on the first dates when they wish to kiss the other one. After she is done talking, stroke her hair and give her a maek kiss. It can be about her body, what she is wearing, her personality, the way she does something or her talents. Most people like getting compliments about things that they are proud of. In front of. If you want to step it up even more, compliment your girl in front of other people. It will make her blush, because showing any kind of affection in front of other people is a clear sign that you are proud of the other person. Some people do this by wearing matching outfitsor jewelry for couplesbut there are some more ways. Show her that you still desire. Make love ho of raw sex, get some candles, dim the lights and seduce her with a massage. Slowly kiss every body part of her and if you are in the mood, start with giving her pleasure. Go to a romantic restaurant, visit the cinema, go swimming in a lake at night or watch her favorite movie under a pillow. I made a list with romantic date ideas that you can use for your inspiration.
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