How much money can you make on quora

how much money can you make on quora

Quora allows you to earn money through it’s Quora Partner Program by asking questions- sounds simple enough, right? But how much can you hope to make from Quora? Can you make thousands of dollars from Quora Partners program? Let’s explore this scepticle passive income stream and find out what it’s all. Quora has been around since and you have probably stumbled upon it before when doing google searches for specific questions. Quora allows anyone to ask questions and allows anyone to provide answers. The upside to this format is that even the most monye questions can be. The bad side is that the answers provided can often lack quality, factual content and most of the time appear full of spam. Quora uses an «upvote» system to rank answers based on how many kuch found them useful and Quora also has a team of mwke who review questions and answer quality.

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Built for advertisers. Set your budget, target your visitors, get traffic. Create Your Ad. Quora is a bit of a strange platform. For years they have struggled to monetize, operating largely on seed capital while they figure out how to build from a Yahoo Answers clone into a useful resource for a wide variety of topics. Some of you might know that recently they launched a partner program. This program allows people who ask questions to earn money based on the quality of the answers and, presumably, the traffic the page acquires. The partner program is quite interesting, in that it operates like a revenue share program the same way sites like Hubpages pay their writers. Some of you may remember when these programs were everywhere, years ago. Their site often relies on mediocre questions with a ton of answers from businesses shilling their own services. There is no limit to the money you can make from the Quora partner program. How do you get paid? Right now, Quora is linked with Stripe, and nothing else. As of right now, the Quora Partner Program is invite-only. It seems to be largely random. I know two people who have Quora accounts but have never asked or answered a question, but were still invited to join the program. I suppose this could be a two-fold push for Quora. They might be pushing to get more content by incentivizing it, while also pushing to get more active users the same way. At the very least, it would make them look better for investors. As of now, the Quora partner program is only open to residents of the U. How does Quora decide how much to pay, and what do they pay for? First of all, Quora only pays for asked questions. You cannot earn money by answering questions, presumably because they know a ton of people are already just using the site to shill their own businesses. How much does Quora pay? What this says to me is two things.

What is the Quora Partner Program?

We will only use this email to respond to you on your feedback. Privacy Policy. Do you use Quora? Maybe you have answered a few questions here and there in your spare time, but have you considered incorporating Quora into your digital marketing strategy? A couple of years ago I had the fortune of having an answer featured in the Quora digest on Christmas day when I was in Malta. It was a question about salaries at different companies and was shared with 1. Quora featuring Deepak Shukla’s answer as being one of the best in Quora. Some of the stats from my actual profile. I had thousands of comments across my answers. I got featured on Inc, was interviewed a bunch of times, and have had various other things happen. In this guide, I would like to walk you through ultimately how you can achieve similar levels of success as me in 7 steps. Without getting banned. It has a community feel much like Reddit, and it resembles Yahoo forums from back in the day.

how much money can you make on quora

How it works

A Wikipedia model where your questions actually get answered. Quora business model is distinguished and is designed to stay in the market for very long. The sole motive of Quora is to generate the database of high-quality answers to questions asked by millions of its users. Quora focuses more on building a high-quality knowledge base that remains useful forever and many features are introduced by the company to maintain the same. Features like merged questions , wikidata references , translations , Quora sessions etc. Monthly active users — million. Number of topics on Quora — , Started in , Quora initially had no revenue earning source and actually survived on the venture capital it raised in the 4 rounds of fundings. Just like any portal with a huge database of users and their interests, Quora has started earning money through advertisements. Quora has tried to incorporate ads in its revenue model better than others as it focuses on relevant ads from relevant advertisers. Ads are incorporated within the Quora revenue model so well that they look like a part of it. You can find advertisements on the homepage as well as on the forum pages. The price that quora charge for it differ for different placements though. It wants users to visit the portal to get the best answer to their questions and not promoted content.

No information was given about what it was, just a simple option to accept the invitation or decline. Out of curiosity I chose to accept. Cna article will give you an in depth in sight into the Quora Partner Program and a verdict on whether this is worthwhile source of passive income. This is where the partners program comes into play. Users can ask new questions on the platform with the incentive that they will earn a percentage of the ad revenue that each question receives. This is where Quora display questions that have earned the most ad revenue over a period of time. As quoga as the revenue, the value insights also shows when the question was cah, the amount of views the question has and the ad impressions. Also a percentage of internal and external traffic which has some significance to how the question performs. Quora allow you to earn on all of your questions for a full year. The graph above shows the earnings of two separate quora questions over time. The debate has been rumbling on about the invitation process, ironically on a this Quora thread nuch How does one get invited to the Quora Partner Pro gram? The most common conclusion is that Quora invite users that contribute to the platform. At the time I was invited to the Partners Program, I had answered around 70 questions on Ob in various different topics. As I mentioned at the start of the article, I have been using the Quora partners program for one month at the time of writing. So the grand reveal. K hence my figures are in British Pounds. I did intent hpw writing more, at least questions, in order to get a better appreciation of how much can be made from using this program extensively. However the task of thinking and quoora new questions quickly become monotonous which is why How much money can you make on quora stuck at I was hoping to have one of my questions make hundreds of dollars, which may happen over time but looks unlikely at the moment. There is one glaring issue that quickly becomes apparent as you begin to start asking questions. This becomes very annoying when you think you might have a winning question yet Quora moderation takes it away from quoraa.
